Our stay in this world is not forever. That’s 101% sure!
Nobody escapes this reality... no riches can extend it if it’s really time to go.
Many don’t even want to think about it – “It’s morbid,” said a classmate of mine.
But whether we like it or not, we’ll have face it at one point in our lives.
Ergo, if you’re too immersed in your own world right now, kindly step back a little and look at your life from an outsider’s perspective... Where are you heading?
Understand that “all passes away in this life, whether it be joy or sorrow; but in eternity nothing passes away...We must leave all to gain all... He that desires nothing in this world is master of the whole world.” (Alphonsus de Ligouri)
Detachment is the name of the game.
thanks for this reminder..."Detachment is the name of the game."