Thursday, September 30, 2010

Rough Edges

Polishing is what our whole life is all about.

“It is inevitable that you should feel the rub of other people's characters against your own. After all, you are not a gold coin that everyone likes.

Besides, without that friction produced by contact with others, how would you ever lose those corners, those edges and projections — the imperfections and defects — of your character, and acquire the smooth and regular finish, the firm flexibility of charity, of perfection?”

So, don’t turn away from people you don’t like or your opposite or those who challenge or contradict you... they’ll smoothen those rough edges of yours!

Ref. The Way (Josemaria Escriva)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fear Cycle

If you want to love... Don’t get stuck in the fear cycle!

How does one get caught in the cycle?

Obviously, it starts with previous negative experiences which generate more fear, leading a person to inaction in the form of paralysis, procrastination or purposelessness, thereby missing the chance to learn and face future obstacles. Side effects: self-pity, excuses, misused energy, hopelessness.

One moves further into the cycle by not wanting to experience anything that could possibly fail. This inexperience leads to further inability to handle difficult situations in the future. And it goes on and on... The deeper the person falls into fear, the harder it is to break the cycle.

Solution?... Don’t get misled – it’s not to remove the fear.

You can never avoid it... but you can conquer it! “The only way to break the cycle is to face your fear and take action, even though it may seem small or insignificant.”

Ref. Failing Forward (John Maxwell)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

High Expectations

Caution: Expectations could stifle the ones who love YOU.

Worse, this could make it hard for them to “spell” YOU – to know each and every letter needed so YOU know they love YOU.

Unpredictability will then characterize YOU.

Yes, they’ll keep trying but they’ll never satisfy YOU...

Reason - Your world is centered on YOU.

Quite dangerous ... Happiness – yours and theirs - is at stake!!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Red Flag: Anger (Part 2)

(Note: Since the 1st part had the most number of views, far exceeding the rest, I’ve prepared a sequel.)

“Never correct anyone while you are still indignant about a fault committed. Wait until the next day, or even longer. And then, calmly, and with a purer intention, make your reprimand. You will gain more by one friendly word than by a three-hour quarrel. Control your temper.” (The Way, Josemaria Escriva)

Simply put, let it sit.

Wait awhile until passions have subsided ...

And 100% guaranteed... you’ll have a better take on the matter.

More yet, you won’t forego your highly valued peace.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tough Times

There are times in one’s life that are more challenging than the feel like you’re going to burst.

And there are also various ways of facing them – escaping is one, blaming is another.

But perhaps, the best course to take is to acknowledge that it is difficult, painful – and more yet, you’re “ironman” no more.

In short, face it.

... and by the way, don’t be ashamed to cry... we’re all humans anyway.

Then, off you go ... find solutions, learn insights, move ahead.

Very soon, you’ll be out of the dark.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

All About Sacrifice

“So many times, we call something “sacrifice”’s something we really wanted to do anyway. When we do this, we only fool ourselves. Those we love certainly know the truth. And then we wonder why they’re not impressed with our actions.

... when we love, sacrifice becomes a way of life. That kind of selflessness isn’t found in the large, grandiose, life-changing gestures. Instead, it’s found in the small daily choices. It’s revealed in the times when we put out our own desires aside for someone else. That’s the way we show we really care. And those little selfless moments are the ones that truly bless... “

... might hurt sometimes.

Well, come to think of it, it’s not so hard if you know what love is all about. If you don’t, it’s never too late...

But take note -- Every single day, every minute don’t wait for tomorrow! Try your best to learn to sacrifice ASAP (as soon as possible).

Ref. Love is a Verb (Gary Chapman)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Don’t Keep Scores

Are you upset that your loved ones give LITTLE credits to your BIG efforts? Or are you disappointed for their lack of responses to these efforts? Then, maybe you’re COUNTING!

“So, how can you avoid being a person who keeps score?

First of all, you must not let the idea of payback come into play at all, whether you are on the giving or receiving end of an expression of friendship. Get out of the “who owes me” way of thinking.

Next, you must recognize and appreciate the ways that people reach out to you; this will help you do the same. You should assume that others are not keeping score either.

If you do something in order to get credit or receive something in return, you are doing it for the wrong reason.

Stop measuring your relationships; relax, be kind, and the world will suddenly seem more generous.”

Ref. The Art of Friendship, Roger and Sally Horchow

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Burying the Past?

The past may have brought us negative experiences... yes, some of them could be offenses towards us with a tremendous - or worse, traumatic - impact.

Through the years, we may have forgotten or managed to set them aside. So, we were able to move on...and so we thought...

But have we really settled them? Have we really forgiven? Have we overcome our feelings of hatred, resentment, or sometimes, vengeance? Have we really closed the wounds?

Simply burying bad experiences and repressing emotions do not mean we have made peace... sooner or later, they’re gonna catch up on us...

What to do? Face them and accept they short, clean the wounds. Remove the dagger. Process things all over again. It could be agonizing... the wounds could become fresh again... it would seem it all happened yesterday. The pain comes back.

But it’s the only way for wounds to heal... by removing the splinters that were buried through time.

To forgive is the next give up negative thoughts. Forgiving is an act of the will... it’s a choice!

If you choose what is’ll see what great relief you’ll have. You’ll remember hurts as forgiven. No longer will you carry such emotional baggage...happiness follows.

Monday, September 13, 2010

You’re not a Super Hero

In Economics, a most sought after assumption is: “ceteris paribus” – keeping all other things constant. This, many equations are solved.

In real life, however, we can’t keep such an assumption. Many things come into play... and some of them - let’s face it - are beyond us.

We don’t have magic powers. That’s the truth! We can only extend ourselves to the best that we can.

Here’s more...

“Many of us are created to want to solve problems or “fix” everything for those we love. And when we can’t, we become frustrated and impatient... Love doesn’t require that we always have all the answers. Instead, many times love just asks that we listen to the problem, that we try to understand, and that we express our condolences, sympathy, or love.

Sometimes love means just being there for the person we care about – trying to feel what that one is experiencing emotionally, listening and learning her perspective until we start to understand and feel compassion... Love often means simply “living in the moment” with another person.”

Ref. Love is a Verb (Gary Chapman)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Losers No More

“What others say shall command an attentive hearing, and what you say shall be taken no notice of. Others shall make a request and obtain it; you shall ask for something and meet a refusal. Others shall be magnified in the mouths of men, and on you no one shall bestow a word. Such and such an office will be conferred on others, but you shall be passed by as unfit for anything. With such trials...nature, indeed, will at times not like it; but you will derive immense profit thereby, if you support all in silence.” (Thomas รก Kempis)

This may not always be the case... but when you find yourself in such situation, be thankful...Learn to ponder.

You might think, “I don’t deserve it.” And I say, “Really?” Think some more...

Many times, pride gets the better of you. But HUMILITY’s a better choice.

When you lose your “rights,” you win THE RIGHT...

Who are you, by the way? In the universe, you’re just a speck of dust. – Whew! That’s quite strong. But it’s the truth... and nothing but the truth (just to stress the point).

So when someone wounds your pride, say “Thank goodness” ... then you're declared THE WINNER.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Red Flag: Anger

“Anyone can be angry. That is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way – that is not easy.”

Know when to step on the breaks – otherwise, you’ll bump the car.

Result: dent, wreckage or death (You know what I mean, right?)

Conclusion: “Don’t let anger get out of control. It can wreck relationships and ruin lives.”

Ref. The Ten Commandments of Common Sense (Commandment No. 5), Hal Urban

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Differences... Flexibility

“Don’t lock yourself up and throw away the key. Don’t be so rigid that you can’t change your plans. Be willing to change, to adapt. Be willing to switch direction and strike out on a new path if you want to. Or if, like me, you have to.” (Maria Schriver, And One More Thing Before You Go)

Differences -- Each of us is unique. Each one has her own take on a subject ... We all grew up in distinct environments, studied in different schools. We have our own ... preferences, habits, styles of communicating, ways of dressing ... and the list goes on and on... but in short, our own personality.

Conclusion: Don’t expect people to be like you!

Flexibility is the word. Know when to insist or give in... You can’t always be the boss! Do so and in no time, you’ll lose everybody.

Learn to adjust and understand people’s limitations and weaknesses. But before that, understand yours first...

And one more thing... Unbolt!

Friday, September 3, 2010

1-2-3-4 Words

1 word : “Sorry.”
2 words: “Thank you.”
3 words: “I love you.”
4 words: “I care for you.”

Sounds cheesy and mushy, right?

Easier thought than said... and easier said than done (or perhaps, lived is a better term).

Don’t take them for granted! Many relationships ended and didn’t last because these words were forgotten.

Take courage ... because saying them... – and here’s the key word – SINCERELY, is a sure way to deepen bonds of love and friendship.

Try it...

Thursday, September 2, 2010

For Better or For Better

“When everybody is doing right the first time, the inevitable happens: nobody complains about anything or anyone anymore... expressing satisfaction with their silence. Everybody is then lulled to complacency and begins to be content with the status quo, the way things are and will be. Nobody wants to rock the boat or make waves. The time is then ripe for the next stage ... kaizen.”

Kaizen is the process of non-stop improvement of everything we do. It is a Japanese term consisting of two characters: kai meaning change and zen meaning good, thus together meaning improvement. The kaizen battle cry is ‘there is always a better way’. With kaizen everybody keeps finding better and much better ways...If something is done right, there must be a way of doing it better... It begins when we improve the right thing and make it better and better... It is a process that starts but never stops.”

These may be small baby steps but always towards the upward direction. The idea is not to remain in a standstill... this will not be forever. At some point, either one goes uphill or downhill.

In our dealings with our loved ones, think -- There’s always a better way to love them. Keep trying...

Ref. Quality Means Survival (Rene Domingo)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Listening and Speaking

“Listening and speaking are the foundations of communication.”

Sharing ideas, feelings, and resources are all achieved via communication. No relationship is ever formed and sustained without communication. When it breaks down, misunderstandings and disagreements could immediately follow.

When listening, take note of bias. It could be a problem “when it seriously distorts an individual’s understanding.” Some bias indicators: extreme negative or positive reaction to people or events, paying little or no attention to undesired parts of a conversation, assuming one has understood what is being said even before the speaker ends his piece.

All senses have to be used simultaneously when listening. If there are ambiguous gestures, it would be good to ask before interpreting visual signals... thus, avoiding misunderstanding.

Understanding is also improved by paying attention to the sound and tone of a speaker’s voice. At times, there could be hidden messages that could be captured with careful listening – that is, when a speaker’s tone of voice does not match the actual spoken message, the listener could ask for a clarification which, however, requires tact but contributes to improved understanding.

Speaking. From the littlest social exchange to the most challenging business communication, speaking requires a well-ordered and logical presentation of thoughts. One technique is headlining – stating the point so listeners don’t end up asking “What’s your point?”

Another is pacing – the ability to stop talking and encourage listeners to comment to foster exchange. Some speakers tend to think that their turn is finished only when they have expressed all their ideas... quite exhausting for the listener.

Summarizing is another tool, albeit not always necessary for daily conversation. It helps ensure mutual understanding – that the things discussed are understood in the same sense by both parties.

Good luck! Hopefully, we could all be better listeners and speakers.

Ref. Successful Leadership (Carol O’Connor)